RFP Lease-Lease Back Corral Hollow Elementary
CHES Site Walk Attendees (2/26/21)
CHES Prequalified Contractors as of 3/1/21
CHES Addendum Number 2
CHES Limited DSA Submittal (Not Approved)PURPOSE OF THE RFP:
By way of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”), the Jefferson School District (“District”) seeks Proposals from lease-leaseback contractors (“Contractor” or “Firm”) to provide preconstruction services and lease-leaseback construction services for the District’s CORRAL HOLLOW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The purpose of this RFP is to obtain information that will enable the District to select a Lease-Leaseback Contractor using the best value selection process, under Education Code section 17400 et seq., that can assist the District with both preconstruction services and construction services. Best value selection is an evaluation process of Firm’s that allows the consideration of evaluation criteria and price in determining which Proposal offers the best value to the District. Each Contractor responding to this RFP should be prepared and equipped to provide the preconstruction and lease-leaseback services described in this RFP to the District in an expeditious and timely manner and on relatively short notice so as to enable the District to meet critical time deadlines and schedules.
Corral Hollow Elementary School is a new elementary school, located on a 14-acre site in the Tracy Hills Development in Tracy, CA. The project scope includes:
- Grading of approximately 14 acres
- All below grade utilities
- (8) wood framed buildings of type V-B construction totaling approximately 72,000 SF
- Concrete block Utility and Trash Enclosures
- (3) PC approved modular classrooms and (1) PC approved restroom
- Covered walkway of non-combustible construction between buildings
- Offsite development
- Utility tie-ins
- Drive aprons
- Onsite development
- (1) parking lot
- Vehicle drop off lanes
- Sidewalks
Estimated construction cost: $36,000,000
Informational design package included as Attachment 7 to this RFP.This project will be constructed using the lease-leaseback project delivery method authorized by Education Code section 17400 et seq. The District has contracted with PJHM Architects, Inc. (“Designers”) to design this project and the lease-leaseback Contractor will be expected to provide both preconstruction services and lease-leaseback construction of the project in strict compliance with the plans and specifications finalized by the Designers.
Request for Proposals Issued.............................. January 21, 2021
Deadline for Prequalification Applications.............. February 10, 2021 by 4:00 pm
Issuance of Prequalification Determinations.......... February 17, 2021 at 5:00 pm
Mandatory Site Walk........................................... February 26, 2021 at 1:00 pm
Deadline for Submittal of Questions..................... March 5, 2021 at 4:00 pm
Responses to the Questions Submitted................ March 10, 2021
Due Date for Submittal of Qualifications................ March 26, 2021 by 4:00 pm
Short List Interviews (if needed) .......................... April 5-9, 2021
Anticipated Board Approval Date......................... April 13, 2021
Notification of Selected Firm................................ April 14, 2021
Deadline for Prequalifaction for MEP Sub-Contractors _TBD_