• Jefferson School District Background

    The mission of the Jefferson School District is to provide a safe, equitable, engaging and rewarding environment where students, teachers and parents partner in student programs that emphasize academics, physical fitness and the arts. The result of this effort is to challenge students to be life long learners that are positive and productive citizens, prepared for life beyond Jefferson School District who themselves care about education.


    The Jefferson School District will deliver a quality education, providing the academic foundation for students to become lifelong learners as well as moral, ethical and compassionate people. A partnership of staff, students, parents and the community will prepare students to be engaged, responsible citizens and productive members of our global community.


    · We believe our impact on today’s student affects tomorrow’s society.
    · We believe the best interest of students should come first in our decision making as a district.
    · We believe in setting and supporting high expectations for learning and challenging students to achieve their ultimate success.
    · We believe in personal accountability.
    · We believe we should provide an education that is well rounded in both academics and extra-curricular options for students, parents and teachers to engage.
    · We believe in planning for the future without forgetting the past.
    · We believe the best education is provided with a fully participating community.
    · We believe in creating a desirable work place where people are valued, respected and challenged.
    · We believe we are responsible to ensure a safe environment for our students, staff and families.


    Our community takes great pride in our schools. We value high academic expectations and personal growth for all students. The district believes a high quality educational program is achieved through a shared responsibility among Trustees, staff, families, students and community members. We are located in south Tracy in San Joaquin County. The district has four schools with an enrollment of over 2,361 Transitional Kindergarten through eighth-grade students. We continue to be among the top academic institutions in San Joaquin County, an outstanding accomplishment and a reflection of the dedication and talent of our students, parents and staff.


    The District Plan for Services to English learners has been revised in order to provide the educational staff and community up to date information regarding the legal requirements for English learner programs including: Structured English Immersion, English Mainstream with Support, Mainstream, English Language Development (ELD), Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE), and Primary Language Support. This plan explains and guides the placement, assessment, reclassification, and monitoring practices for English learners. It addresses the programmatic needs of staffing, staff development, parent involvement committees, and implementation of instruction and curriculum. A common understanding of goals, definitions and procedures helps to ensure that English learners receive consistently implemented services designed to meet their linguistic and academic needs.