• Dear Parent/Guardian,


    Traina School is excited to inform you about the San Joaquin Math Tournament. The SJCOE Mathematics Department hosts the County Math Tournament every year. Math tournaments help raise student test scores, increase student self-esteem, develop problem-solving skills, and hone cooperative skills in a competitive environment. The competition will be held at the San Joaquin Education Center, Stockton. 


    We will be holding Math Tournament practice sessions at Traina school. This session will be held after school every Tuesday from 3:15 to 4:15 PM. Interested students will be required to stay after school for practice every Tuesday. 


    What? Math Tournament Practice Sessions



    Contact teacher? Mrs. Infante and Mrs. Nair 


    If your student will be absent, please send a courtesy email to the advisors. Thank you.


    For any further information, please feel free to contact Mrs.Infante@ sinfanterosario@jsdtracy.com  or Mrs. Nair @ rnair@jsdtracy.com.


    The Math Team

    Traina School