Anthony Traina Elementary
    Please complete a coach application if you are interested in becoming a coach for one of our sports. 
    Athletic Director: Marv Amaral
    Assistant Athletic Director: Erik Saia


    It is the philosophy of Jefferson School District to encourage student participation and skill development in after school sports.  The after school sports program is conducted as an integral component of the school’s program.  The primary emphasis is sportsmanship.

    The program is dedicated to the promotion of school pride and loyalty and emphasizes wholesome school-community relations.  We maintain the attitude that sports are to be respected and thus enjoyed by all participants, coaches, referees, scorekeepers and spectators.  Promoting enjoyment of the sport, win or lose, is a vital and necessary element of our program. 


    To be eligible to participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities, students in grades 5 – 8 must demonstrate satisfactory educational progress in the previous grading period, including, but not limited to:


    1.      Maintenance of a minimum of 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scales, with no Fs, in all enrolled classes

    2.      Maintenance of minimum progress toward meeting 8th grade and high school graduation requirements.


    The Superintendent or designee may grant ineligible students a probationary period not to exceed one (1) trimester. Students granted probationary eligibility must meet the required standards by the end of the probationary period in order to remain eligible for participation. (Education Code 35160.5)


    Any decision regarding the eligibility on any child in foster care or a child of an active duty military family for extracurricular or cocurricular activities shall be made by the Superintendent or designee in accordance with Education Code 48850 and 49701.


    The Superintendent or designee may revoke a student’s eligibility for participation in extracurricular and cocurricular activities when the student’s poor citizenship is serious enough to warrant loss of this privilege. 


    1. If a player does not participate in PE due to a medical/doctor’s note or parent note, that player cannot participate in the game and/or practice for as many days that the player is out of PE.
    2. If a player does not attend school for four or more periods on the day of a practice and/or game, the player cannot attend/participate.
    3. There is a direct correlation between dedication to practice and success at games.  Regular attendance at practice is required for athletes to play in each game.  Any student who misses practice will not play in the subsequent game; however, all athletes are expected to support his/her team’s members by still being present at the game. 


    The parent/guardian will arrange transportation for his/her child to and from practices and games.  If parents/guardians drive other students, besides their own to and from games and practices, they will need to have the required forms completed and on file in the school office.  This must be updated annually. Coaches are not authorized to transport players to and from games.

    A Personal Vehicle Use form and a Non-District Transportation Notice needs to be filled out for your child to ride in another car.  In order to make sure that all students are covered under this school district policy, we are asking that you fill out all of the forms and return to the office/coach promptly.  Please attach a copy of proof of insurance (need to show actual dollar limits) with your forms.  If you choose NOT to fill out and turn in the forms, your child will NOT be allowed to be transported in any other car but your own. Coaches are not authorized to transport players to and from games. 


     All school rules that apply during school are also in affect during after school sports. 


    Jefferson School District does not require or provide physicals for the after school sports program.