• Mr. James Wright
    7th Grade Teacher
    209.839.2379 ext. 1517

    Mr Wright’s Supply List

    For my subjects, 7th graders will need the following supplies.  Their other teachers may have specific requirements as well.  Let me know if you are unable to obtain any of the items on the list

    ·       Pencils- Mechanical or standard

    ·       Pencil sharpener for wood pencils

    ·       Pens- blue or black for assignments, any other color for correcting work

    ·       Highlighters- At least three different colors: Yellow, Green and Red are ideal

    ·       Spiral or Composition Notebooks- One per trimester for each subject

    ·       Binder with subject dividers or pocket folders for each subject

    ·       Loose leaf notebook paper-

    ·       Markers or colored pencils

    ·       Post-it notes- one pack of standard and one pack of small

    ·       Scissors- student sized

    ·       USB drive- (these can be the cheapest ones with the least memory)

    ·       One dry erase marker per trimester- Expo markers tend to last the longest



    In addition, please try to donate a few boxes of tissues.  The office does not provide these, so when the donated ones run out, the students will have to use paper towels to blow their noses. Also, a small pack of baby wipes can go a long way to cleaning the student desks.  

Last Modified on September 8, 2020